Aorere College

2 Selfs Road, Papatoetoe

09-278 5608

Enrolment Information and Online Enrolment Form

Read the instructions and get all the documents you need ready, then click on the green "Start New Enrolment Application" button.

Please note that you must live in the school's home zone.


Southern Cross Campus

237 Buckland Road,

Māngere East 

09-255 0404

Enrolment Information and Form

Fill out all sections of the enrolment form and bring along the requested documents on the enrolment checklist before you call through to make an enrolment appointment

McAuley High School (Catholic Girls)

26 High Street, Ōtāhuhu

09-276 8715

Enrolment Information and enrolment form

Because of the current Covid restrictions, we can only accept applications by email to

De La Salle College (Catholic Boys)

81 Gray Avenue,

Māngere East

09-276 4319

School website

The enrolment link is not currently working.

Ōtāhuhu College

74-78 Mangere Road.

09-963 4000

Enrolment Information and Forms - online & hard copy

PASS - Pacific Advance Secondary School

42 Atkinson Ave, Ōtāhuhu

0800 80 PASS

Video 1 - Student Testimony

Video 2 - Student Testimony

Video 3 - Chairperson, Sir

               Michael Jones

Enrolment Information and Enrolment Form

Download the form and take it with all the documents they need to their school office.

Te Kura Māori o Ngā Tapuwae

1 Wickman Way,

Māngere East

09-551 6161

Enrolment Information

Scroll to the bottom of the page.

Māngere College

23 Bader Drive, Māngere

09-275 4029

School website

Click on the Enrolment heading in white writing.

Find Out Which School you are in Zone for.

Click the link to the website School Zones

Start typing your address in and click it when it appears.  You will see a house icon which is your address.  

The schools that you are NOT in zone for will have a P with a red line through it. 

The schools that you are in-zone for do not have the red line. You might need to zoom in to see all the schools (sometimes there is a number in a yellow circle indicating that there are more schools in that area).   

You might need to refresh your page or reset the filters and start again - the site is not always that easy to use.