Schools have an important role in promoting sport through the co-curricular programmes they offer students. These programmes allow students to build on and apply the knowledge, skills, and attitudes they develop in the school's physical education curriculum. Organised school sports programmes should neither be seen as substitutes for sport studies in this curriculum nor as the specific domain of physical education teachers.

The effective promotion and organisation of school sport should reflect the needs of students and ensure that all students have the opportunity to:

As well as regular weekly class or syndicate sports, the school also holds sports exchanges with other schools.

Many of our classes have Jump Jam programmes they enjoy with their teacher, many of whom have attended Jump Jam training courses.

We regularly attend a variety of interschool competitions in rugby, league, netball, soccer, hockey, swimming, athletics, and cross-country. 

If your child has made it into one of the travelling teams, a notice will come home. The school supplies these teams with a sports uniform for the competition – these are returned to school and are not kept by the student.

Our school has a swimming pool and in Terms 1 and 4 (weather permitting) we have rostered classroom swimming. It is important that your child bring a towel and togs to school on the days they have swimming.

We also participate in the John Walker Field of Dreams community-swimming programme, which is for Year 3-6 students. This is fully funded and the children attend 8 regular swimming lessons in one of our Manukau pools. A notice of times and dates will come home with your child.

Sports programmes can be developed in partnership with clubs and other community groups and may involve interschool and club competitions.

Students require a range of structured, sequenced, and developmentally appropriate learning opportunities in sport studies. These include opportunities to develop: