Tēnā koutou katoa, Talofa lava, Malo e lelei, Kia orana, Fakaalofa lahi atu, Ni sa bula vinaka, Noa'ia 'e mauri, Namaste, Salam, Magandang, Sawasdee, Sabai de, Fung ying, greetings parents, caregivers, and extended Whānau of the Māngere East Community!
At Māngere East Primary School we all work very hard together to make sure our students get the best possible learning experiences every day. We really value children's whānau as key people in the learning process. We encourage all whānau to participate in their children's school learning journey by staying in touch with their teachers, and through hui/meetings, our school app HERO, our weekly newsletter, school events, trips, Facebook page and this website.
Our school is located within the tribal boundaries of Te Wai o Hua, hapu or sub-tribe of Waikato Tainui. Our school acknowledges too the arrival of Te-Wai-o-Hua to Māngere. Te Wai o Hua are descendants of the Tainui canoe. Our school seeks guidance from Kaumatua at Makaurau Marae, Ihumātao, Māngere when situations require their wisdom.
In consultation with our community we developed our school vision which is 'Me ako Tahi Tātou - Together We Learn', and our key value of Respect:
Respect for Yourself
Respect for Others
Respect for the Environment.
I encourage all staff, parents, students and extended family members to live by our vision and key value so that together we develop fantastic children who will make positive contributions to their communities in Aotearoa / New Zealand.
Stephanie Anich
Principal / Tumuaki